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329P Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre London
Pharmacology 2015


Basic Science Career Trajectory; A Five Year Experience Of An early Career Scientist.


The basic medical sciences specialties are a group of foundational medical faculties encompassing Anatomy, Pathology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Biochemistry and other sundry faculties that support the statutory departments of the basic medical sciences.

Casting a vivid retrospection to my appointment as a faculty in Anatomy and the subsequent sojourn through the academic ranks has brought nostalgia more than ever than the excitement that heralded my resumption abinitio. For the most part my expectations were rather short leaved following consistently been at the background, with so much effort but little appreciation and several barrage of criticism from reviewer and editors. To say the least, tenured appointments are scares and progression criteria are herculean.

There has also been some relief due to eventual breakthrough in investigations and eventually been celebrated by colleagues. The applause from mentees whom I thought as a faculty have also brought joy, however more needs to be done to increase job satisfaction.

While the choice to remain in the basic medical sciences is a personal choice, there is much to be desired. The need for adequate mentorship to increase the desire of early career scientist to aspire to take positions in basic medical sciences is recommended.